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Friday, 15 November 2013

An Open Letter To Earth

Dear Earth,
       Its of great sympathy but also a pleasure that I am writing this letter to you. Some may think I'm crazy and some just in vain but because I value and know your importance, I'll have to do this. 
      We humans, often tend to forget about you, and how you have been there over the millions years to help and nourish our lives for our survival.

      We often forget that you are our mother, we all belong and come from you.. that everything around, within, below and even beneath the ground belong to you.
      You gave us all the elements in our bodies from the vast organ, the skin, the bones to the microscopic cells all have an origin from you.

      We often forget that the earth isnt only the ground we step boastfully on, buld and ran cheerfully on; not realising the skies and all within you support for survival.
      We have poluted you, eminating poisonous gases into the atmosphere, releasing poisonous sewage into the water bodies, dumping wastes onto the ground, the noise, the dust and quarries we create causing an imbalance of the ecosystems.

      We have already lost millions of species, vast tracts of forested lands, clean water sources, beautiful scenaries and many other beautiful things you have offered, lovely Earth.
      As a result we have poisoned our food sources, the clean drinking water sources, we have brought diseases and famine just a least to mention. Hundreds of human are every day dying not to mention the other innocent flora and fauna.

      But now we have realised how beautiful and generous you are. We have began numerous campaigns to sensitise fellow humans on transforming our relationship with you. We are changing our ways for the love of you, because we realised how amazing you are.
      We now know that if you survive, we will also survive, you will bring back to ur the joy and great nourishment.

      Believe us, we are changing, we will revive our ways, stop the pollution and save the next generation of our ecosystems. With one voice, we love you, earth.

Passionate Environmental Lover,
 ~ AbaeAkili :)
courtesy: Google